Fostering Fungal Networks of the Subterrain
The earth’s changing climate and environmental issues have come into focus through the demise of charismatic megafauna and the ‘biodiversity crisis’. But what about stinkhorns and slime moulds?
Fungi underpin terrestrial ecosystems, forming cross-kingdom collaborations with countless creatures and intimately entwining with plants. Fungi are especially important in disturbed environments that are the focus of this symposium. As vital pioneers, fungi kickstart colonisation and recovery, yet are almost absent in biodiversity protocols and development planning.
Much of the dynamism of the natural world occurs in transition zones or ‘interface environments’, which are also the domain of fungi. Likewise, the best possibilities for conserving both natural and altered systems emerge at the intersections of disciplinary thought.
Over the last three decades Alison has straddled hemispheres, working with fungi and their followers in conservation and land restoration. In this talk she will explore how can we foster fungal flourishing to re-enliven soils.
Further events can be viewed at this link.
DATE: Friday 18 October
TIME: 9:30–10:30
VENUE: Tagungsraum, Ground Floor, Neues Seminargebäude
University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50931 Cologne
This event is part of the Multispecies Conviviality Symposium.