Seminar – Unruly renegades – Exploring the Fungi of Southern Otways
Although little known, the roots of almost every plant in the Australian landscape are intimately entwined with fungi. These clandestine relationships extend beyond trees to include every orchid and most shrubs and grasses. Symbioses are the secret to success in our highly variable climate and nutrient-deficient soils.
Fungi not only help plants access water and nutrients, but also increase their resistance to drought and disease. They build architecture in soils, aerate them, and allow water to gently percolate to deeper horizons. Despite this, ‘the third F’ slips through ideas about nature and conservation that focus on flora and fauna.
Unruly fungal renegades contravene the frameworks we use to understand life. However, they might also inspire the innovative thinking needed to navigate an uncertain future.
In this illustrated and interactive seminar Alison will share insights from two decades spent in the field with fungi, both locally and across hemispheres, with a focus on local fungi from the Southern Otways.
Join us at 6:30pm for a light supper and to peruse the fungus display, with the interactive seminar beginning at 7pm. There will be time for questions and conversations as well.
This workshop is sponsored by Southern Otways Landcare.
Further workshops can be viewed at this link.
TIME: 6:30pm – 9pm
VENUE: Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Centre, 4 Whelan Street, Apollo Bay
COST: $15