FORAY – What’s that Mushroom ?

FORAY – What’s that Mushroom?

The forests of the Otways are a hotspot for fungi. Yet, they are little known and poorly documented. Fungi are fundamental to forest health and resilience. They create and stabilise soils, nourish and interconnect plants.

During this exciting foray, we’ll wander through the various habitat types on a local private property, searching both for fungi and for clues to the incredible work they do – creating hollows, supplying food to native fauna and recycling organic matter. You’ll learn the basics of how to identify fungi in the field using the senses.

Bring your camera or notebook, but most importantly, your curiosity.

Forays will be held in Marengo near Apollo Bay, and is limited to 12 participants.

Please note this survey is run entirely outside so be sure to be dressed for all kinds of weather!

This workshop is sponsored by Southern Otways Landcare.

Further workshops can be viewed at this link.


Please note this survey is run entirely outside so be sure to be dressed for all kinds of weather!

This workshop is sponsored by Southern Otways Landcare.

Further workshops can be viewed at this link.


TIME: 10:00 – 12.15

COST: $45