WORSHOP – Underground Lovers Aboveground Friends


Featuring Dr Alison Pouliot and Simon Rickard

Outlandish Ventures is diving in deep – roots and all with a very special workshop ‘Underground Lovers and Above Ground Friends’ featuring Dr Alison Pouliot and Simon Rickard on 23 April near Yass.

Although little known, the roots of almost every plant in the Australian landscape are intimately entwined with fungi. These clandestine relationship extend beyond trees to include every orchid and most shrubs and grasses. Symbioses are the secret to success in our highly variable climate.

Fungi not only help plants access water and nutrients, but also increase their resistance to drought and disease. They build architecture in soils, aerate them, and allow water to gently percolate to deeper horizons. Despite this, ‘the third ‘F’ slips through ideas about nature and conversation that focus on flora and fauna.

In the workshop you’ll be introduced to the diversity and ecology of Kingdom Fungi and the basic principles of fungus identification, using the senses and other resources such as guides to identify key diagnostic features.

Simon Rickard will follow on from Alison’s presentation detailing how he creates innovative atmospheric gardens that touch lightly on the environment.

Simon and Alison are friends, authors, both live in Victoria and travel extensively around Australia and the world.

For further events please click here.



Day 1 registration: $ 265 Includes presentations by Alison Pouliot & Simon Rickard, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and canapes to finish the day.

Day 1 and 2 Field trip: $350 Includes Day 1 and a small-group field experience on day 2 exploring the cultural significance, ecological importance, conservation requirements and identification of fungi in the Yass area. Fold-out fungus guide & meals included. The two day experience is limited to 25 people.

VENUE: Crisp Gallery, Bowning, NSW

FURTHER INFO: info@landscapeconference.com or call 0408627774.